Sunday, May 19, 2024

Aarrgh! The Light!

Chanced upon a gent watching a Vampire show on television.  Turns out it was Van Helsing.

The particular scene was one where there is a desperate fight with swords, daggers, metal bars, a lot of lethal weapons, all handled with blinding speed a la Kung Fu.  It seems one set of fighters were vampires and another set were not vampires.  The situation is steadily worsening for the not vampires.  Then one of the not vampires remembers some advice she received a long time ago, that light is the answer.  She spies what might be her chance in this long, dark, vaulted stone edifice, a rope tied to a metal fixture on the wall.  She dove to the rope with her keen-edged sword, cutting the rope.  The wooden shutters at the end of the room fall to the floor, flooding the edifice with strong sunlight.  The vampires collapse in small piles of dust.

This was just after reading reports of advice given to wannabe political leaders seeking election to direct and operate the government in accordance with their political philosophy.  That advice was to not tell people what their manifesto is, what their political goals are, what their means of achieving those goals might be.  They were to wait until after they were elected before exposing their purpose to the electorate.  They were to ensure the electorate opted for them while working as entirely as possible in the dark.  In the meantime, they were to disparage, smear, demean their political opponents with every means possible.  Never worry about the accuracy of the smears as indictments of evil intent and malfeasance.

In other words, try to make it impossible for the electorate to tell the vampires from the not vampires.  

So it seems where some would drive our politics to, blood sucking, living human flesh eating vampires.  

Democracy?  Not by my definition.

M G Klein May 18, 2024  

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